Hello, I'm

Here's my Shaklee story.....enjoy! 

In 1982, my husband and I were living on a 100 acre farm, after living in the city. It was a time when society, young and old, was tired of dependence on the government, stemming from the costly decisions made over the Vietnam War. We wanted "freedom" to "live off the land". This meant raising our own beef cattle, raising chickens, growing our own fruits and vegetables. We had 3 small children, wanting to provide them with a healthier, more carefree life. My husband still went to work in the city, in suit and tie, but loved coming home to the serenity of being "away from it all".

While living in the country, I was introduced to Shaklee. I met a lady who taught me about the company, the products and the business opportunity. I "joined" Shaklee, so I could receive a discount on the Vita Lea multivitamin/multi-mineral I wanted to try and any products I bought thereafter. I grew up taking store bought multivitamins, but she explained the "Shaklee Difference". This difference was so intriguing to me. The "Shaklee Difference" is what separates Shaklee from the Brand X's on the market. Shaklee is not sold in stores for this reason. You and I, the consumers of nutritional supplements, would never know this "difference" if Shaklee products were just sitting on store shelves, next other brands. 

The "Shaklee Difference" stands for "always safe, always works, and always green". Shaklee goes above and beyond what any other company does, to provide your body with products made from ingredients that will never harm you. Shaklee has proven science, searches the world for the finest ingredients and tests them to make sure they are the finest. Brand X cannot make those guarantees! 

I took Vita Lea Multivitamin, and two weeks later, had more energy than all the years after having my children. No more naps! I had more free time and energy to do other things in my life!

Shaklee has a line of non-toxic cleaners, which I loved switching to. It was easy because they were concentrated and saved me a LOT of money. It was great to have less chemicals in our home, whether it was for cleaning, dishes or laundry. How nice to make a positive effect on the environment, since waste water, from all those loads of laundry and dishes, was chemical free. I started to be "green" in the 1980's, when everyone else only knew "green" to be a color!

A few years later, my son was diagnosed with a mild condition of Tourette's Syndrome. This is where the body involuntarily produces body and vocal tics. I learned that by improving his diet, reducing stress, exercise, and quality supplements, would greatly reduce his tics. I now realized that Shaklee quality supplements could play an important role in improving the health of his body, which could reduce the frequency of his tics. Tourette's is a syndrome, so scientists do not have an answer to what causes tics, how to make them go away. I studied the effect of an improved diet on health, and how supplements were important, in addition to a good diet. If I was going to spend money on supplements, they were going to be the best.

Since everything made sense to me, and I now understood that what we put in our mouths affects our health, I believed I wanted to share this knowledge with those I knew, and who they knew. I could see the value of the Shaklee business opportunity! I could work from home, be there for my kids, and earn income while sharing my new passion! At first, the bonus checks would pay for my Shaklee products. 

Fast forward 5 years, we moved back to the city for better schools for our children. We moved into a neighborhood that allowed my business to flourish. By getting involved in my kids' schools, sports, and social activities, allowed me to meet so many new people and share Shaklee. It was, and still is, so much fun educating other parents how their family can be healthier tomorrow than they are today.

I have learned that Shaklee is a "lifestyle". This "lifestyle" means learning to improve your health and that of your family. It means making changes daily, wherever we can so we are always going in the right direction. The Shaklee "lifestyle" can mean improved wealth to many of us who have decided to use the Shaklee products and tell others their story. The cool thing is that anyone can do this!

By sharing Shaklee with people I know, and people I have met, I have built a team (an organization) in Shaklee. I provide leadership and guidance to anyone who is open-minded. Building a Shaklee business provides you the chance to be an entrepreneur, building your own Health and Wellness business. Your business will make you very proud of yourself. Your business will show your children that they can do anything they want to do too.

My Shaklee business has helped provide my husband and I, with a home on a golf course and a second home in Florida. Our business has provided an additional resource for our retirement portfolio. We see many people facing a strong need for an additional income, for their later years of life. A Shaklee business provides "residual income". Residual income is an income source that keeps paying for years and years. Your business can be protected in your will or trust, to be handed down to your children. I due time, your Shaklee business is worth so much that it needs to be protected!

I invite you to learn about Shaklee - the company, products and the business opportunity. Open your mind to it all. Contact me, let's talk about your future in Shaklee as I continue to connect and work with like-minded people. You can learn more about working with me here. And feel free to stop by and connect with me on my Fan page.